Our Mission
Our Aim
The aim of Chapter Zero UAE is to support board directors in acquiring sufficient knowledge and insights on climate change and the challenges it poses to companies, so that they are better equipped to guide management and provide necessary oversight to them.
To support directors in achieving best practices in climate governance, Chapter Zero UAE undertakes to develop and curate regular forums and training resources, along with networking events, organised for onsite and/or online participation, and to share materials from the global Climate Governance Initiative and its member Chapters, as well as high-quality published information from other authoritative sources. These activities offer opportunities for learning by, and interaction among, non-executive directors, executive directors and subject matter experts.
Our Actions
Chapter Zero UAE will engage with, equip and empower board directors by enabling them to take part in a global initiative that promotes the implementation of the World Economic Forum’s eight World Economic Forum’s eight Principles for Effective Climate Governance (“the Climate Principles”).
To achieve this objective, the Chapter seeks to enable Directors to:
- Embed climate considerations into board decision-making
- Understand and act upon the risks and opportunities associated with climate change that can negatively impact the operations of their organisations
- Serve as advocates within their boards for the adopting strategies that are aligned with achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 or earlier and concurrent deep reductions in non-CO2 emissions, particularly methane, consistent with a global average temperature rise of no more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, as per the best-available recommendations of the scientific community
- Contribute towards the UAE Net Zero 2050 Strategic Initiative via their organisations’ strategic and capital investment decisions
Gain climate awareness knowledge and necessary skills